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In contemporary private law theory the relationship between ‘macro’ theories of distributive justice and the ‘micro’ site of interpersonal transactions remains under-explored. In this paper, I draw on the ‘macro’ theory of justice articulated by John Rawls and offer an account of ‘micro contractual justice’ that helps us understand how the micro domains of contracting introduce particular relational constraints on the infusion of distributive considerations into contract law, resulting in constrained conception of ‘relational Rawlsianism’ operating in contractual domains. My framework provides a bridge between the macro and micro, helping us understand how they are in various senses separate yet interlocking, and also provides a ‘third way’ between all or nothing positions on the place of distributive justice in contract.  相似文献   

In this paper, we make a theoretical argument that the Third World be returned to its political origins to inspire an updated Third World Project (TWP), revived as a global movement for progressive, anti-imperialist forces, through the Fourth World movement, which highlights internal colonialism. Both the TWP and the United Nations recognise only nation states as full members. We examine how a Third World strategy that brings in the Fourth World, or indigenous, minority and/or stateless groups, can help oppressed groups gain more autonomy and rights through a transnational solidarity rooted in empathy. We trace the intellectual roots and history of the TWP and consider obstacles in bringing together the TWP and the Fourth World movement. A Fourth World strategy corrects the TWP’s implicit approval of an underlying imperialism, and the TWP provides the Fourth World movement a model to accomplish its goal of resisting uncritical modernity.  相似文献   
民事诉讼法是实质诉讼规范和诉讼程序规范之集合,但通说却将其同义于诉讼程序法而尘封实质诉讼法。从法律发达史上考察,实质诉讼法曾依附于实体私法体系,且与诉讼程序法长期处于分离状态,在脱离私法体系之后于民事诉讼法中找到了安身之处,并且在公法诉权说的推动下皈依了公法。在实质诉讼法脱私法体系而入诉讼法体系的发展过程中,温特沙伊德的《诉论》发挥了主要原动力作用,因而被奉为促成民事诉讼法走向独立化的“门罗宣言”。本文拟通过解读《诉论》,阐述实质诉讼法脱离私法体系而入公法的民事诉讼法之过程,恢复实质诉讼法的本来面目,以为我们克服民事诉讼法同于纯程序法之观念提供理论上的支撑。  相似文献   
The private nature of corporate actors does not necessarily preclude them from contributing to public interest. When business strategies and genuine public motivation are favorably aligned, corporate actors from the private sector can also drive public sector innovations. For a private corporation, policy entrepreneurship inherently entails crossing not only the public–private boundary but also various policy domains. This study formulates five propositions to characterize the cross-boundary strategies of corporate policy entrepreneurship, a distinct form of policy entrepreneurship in a developing authoritarian state. The case study of mobile healthcare payment innovation in China finds that the corporate entrepreneur used a series of cross-boundary strategies adeptly that eventually made the innovation not only adopted in one locality but also rapidly diffused nationwide. These strategies were not used in isolation or in a pure stepwise fashion but appeared to be recursive and interactive, suggesting the dynamic nature of corporate policy entrepreneurship in a multilevel governance system. More studies could be done to further examine strategies and processes of other forms of policy entrepreneurship in various national and sectoral settings.  相似文献   
"凡进必考"制度是我国选贤任能制度的重要内容,有利于我国干部队伍专业化建设,但现有研究对考试录用制度与专业自主性关系的解释存在不足。本研究提出了理论上的解释:"凡进必考"制度触发基层公务员与内部人利益分离机制;注重专业能力的"凡进必考"制度触发专业角色期待机制,两者均有利于专业自主性提升。本研究采集我国东中部10个城市基层公务员数据,使用断点回归与中介效应方法,实证结果显示:《国家公务员暂行条例》1996年在地方落实后触发利益分离机制;基层公务员专业能力对公务员制度变迁与专业自主性关系起到中介作用;2014年实施《党政领导干部选拔任用工作条例》开始限缩"公开选拔"适用范围对专业自主性产生负面影响。未来选贤任能制度完善中,如何平衡灵活录用与专业自主性是一个有待解决的问题。  相似文献   

This article critically examines the account of collective self-determination and state legitimacy developed by Stilz in her book. Central to this account is the idea that for a state to be legitimate it must reflect the shared will of the people over which it governs. I argue that the normative taxonomy Stilz employs to develop this criterion of legitimacy ignores the possibility of conditional cooperators: groups who are alienated from society due to the injustices they experience but are willing to affirm their participation in state institutions if these injustices are rectified. I then demonstrate that since there are no grounds for discounting the dissent of conditional cooperators, their presence significantly increases the threshold for state legitimacy that follows from Stilz’s theory. As a result, Stilz is forced to abandon her claim that basically just states generally enjoy a qualified ‘right to do wrong’.  相似文献   
习近平总书记在福建工作期间形成了极为宝贵的创新理念和重大实践。这些理念和实践具有前瞻性、开创性、战略性,其中“坚持以人民为中心”的理念和实践对民办高校思想政治教育队伍的建设有重要的指导意义。目前,民办高校思想政治教育队伍存在理论学习不深入、学生思想动态调研不充足、专业技能学习不及时、融入学生群体不顺畅、思想政治辅导员队伍不稳定、辅导员与思想政治理论课教师之间的思想政治教育不融合等薄弱点。针对这些问题,应将“坚持以人民为中心”作为民办高校思想政治教育工作的理念和实践,将一切工作的初衷紧紧围绕着学生这个群体,促进思想政治教育队伍的建设。  相似文献   
社会基层治理是国家治理的微观基础,城市社区是社会的基本单元。我国城市单位社区是城市社区的重要组成部分,因地制宜探索城市单位社区治理模式有利于完善城市社区建设、健全社会治理体制、提升国家治理能力。成都市L社区为破产企业单位社区,其治理以党建引领为核心,以共建共治共享为导向,以社区再造为路径,形成了“党委领导、政府负责、社会协同、公众参与、法治保障”的良性治理模式。但现阶段仍然存在社区空间利用率不足、市场化机制缺位、“单位人”动员作用有限、社区居委会负担过重等问题。本文基于实地调研的数据资料,结合社区治理的基本原理,探讨破产企业单位社区向新型城市社区转型的实现路径,即提高社区资源整合度,进一步引入市场机制,激发社会组织活力,减轻居委会行政负担,以提高破产企业单位社区的治理能力。  相似文献   
我国《物权法》没有明确规定空域所有权,但是应当解释为承认了空域所有权的存在。现行法律没有认可空域使用权的物权属性,只能认为空域使用权是行政许可利益。但行政许可机制的运行与效率价值旨趣相悖,其产生的产权不确定性不利于空域高效利用。市场机制和私权制度的引入是改革的重要方向。国家所有权具有私权属性,空域所有权也不例外,而空域使用权是空域所有权基于权能分离产生的权利,只能具有私权属性。这种定性在价值上也具有合理性,这主要是基于市场机制对空域利用效率的保障作用以及私权属性对市场机制顺畅运作的支撑地位。在私权体系中,将空域使用权规定为物权最为妥当。  相似文献   
As a sensitive area in international trade, animal welfare measures have encountered resistance in negotiations at the World Trade Organization (WTO). Consequently, alternative avenues have been pursued to reach international trade policy convergence. To further understand the contemporary trade politics of animal welfare, an empirical investigation was conducted on the interplay between European and Brazilian actors in the context of livestock production. By drawing upon diplomatic studies and the global governance literature, this study identifies and analyses initiatives that parallel the WTO approach and through which the development and implementation of mutually acceptable farm animal welfare measures have been pursued. Research findings indicate that a constellation of international non-diplomatic actors are currently engaged in influencing the future development of farm animal welfare measures. Among the initiatives that enable the alignment of European and Brazilian animal welfare policies and practices, there are soft instruments such as knowledge sharing and private standards. The rise of new actors and the use of soft instruments have been, to a certain extent, able to mitigate the tardiness of a WTO consensus regarding the use of animal welfare measures. However, there are concerns that the use of private standards has become a shortcut to circumvent the rigours of the multilateral trading system. This concern deserves a closer look because instead of paving the way, private standards may hamper trade relations which in turn hamper progress in animal welfare matters.  相似文献   
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